Guanghao Qi

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. My research focuses on developing statistical and machine learning methods for large-scale genetic and genomic studies. Areas of interest include statistical genetics, Mendelian randomization, single-cell genomics and bioinformatics.

Previously, I obtained my PhD in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University in 2020 (advisor: Nilanjan Chatterjee), and completed postdoctoral training also at Johns Hopkins (advisor: Alexis Battle).

Click here for my UW faculty page.


  • [January 2025] Qi receives a 5-year K01 award from NHGRI to develop statistical methods for integration of single-cell eQTL and GWAS data.


PhD in Biostatistics (2020)
Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD

BS in Mathematics (2015)
Fudan University
Shanghai, China

